Our School » Mission & Goals

Mission & Goals

Our school mission is to:
Provide students with a supportive environment, which includes parents and the community, as they make the transition from elementary school to high school
Prepare students academically, personally, and socially for success in high school
Prepare students for independent and life-long learning, for setting individual goals, and for making positive choices.
We believe:
All students can learn.
Students learn best when they are engaged in challenging and appropriate learning focused on the core academic subjects of language arts, mathematics, science and social studies integrated with physical education and the fine arts.
Quality teachers are the single greatest predictor of student success.
The diversity and uniqueness of each student should be respected.
Students learn best when families value education, and teach their children to accept increasing responsibility for their own learning.
Quality education improves the quality of life for students, their families, and the community now and in the future.