Mr. Banner » Photo Album

Photo Album

It's amazing what 7 hours of sleep (in a bed), a shower, and brushing your teeth can do for one's health. We started the day with a breakfast buffet at the hotel. We stopped for a photo op at The White House. We did a quick stop at the Navy Memorial before doing some souvenir shopping. We then went to Ford's Theater to see where Abraham Lincoln was shot. After that we visited the Holocaust Museum. It's difficult to explain how emotional the Holocaust Museum can be. The kids really took an interest, had thoughtful observations, and had opinions about how wrong the Holocaust was. We had lunch at the food trucks on the mall. After that it was a visit to Arlington Cemetery where we saw the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as well as John F. Kennedy's gravesite. After that, we visited the cool spy museum, which the kids loved. We finished with a drive past the Iwo Jima Memorial and dinner at California Pizza Kitchen and the Pentagon Memorial for those who died on 9/11. It was a beautiful day, cold in the morning, but sunny at almost like California the rest of the day. Off to Philadelphia tomorrow!